
New Programs & Program Changes

Applications for ALL curriculum and bulletin changes must be submitted through .   Proposals for new programs must reach the chair of PDRC by the second week of September of the year prior to the projected start date, in order to be approved by the October Board. Proposals that are recieved after the deadline may be rejected. Please see all deadlines on the Annual Faculty Calendar.

Curriculog will automatically route proposals to the appropriate people and committees for action. Changes include

  • All new degrees, majors, concentrations, and certificates (see Definitions)
  • All program changes (name, credits, courses, etc.)
  • All changes of delivery (language, online, off-campus, new locations and timing of courses)
  • Deactivations of degrees, majors, concentrations, certificates, minors

Approval of new programs and substantive changes to existing programs are under the purview of the Program Development and Review Committee (PDRC), a sub-committee of the Graduate and Undergraduate Councils. Completed proposals must be received by the PDRC chair at least one week before the regularly scheduled meeting. The PDRC meets the third Friday of every month during the school year. 

Use the following documents to guide you through the process of developing a new academic program or concentration.

Necessary approvals are shown in the Process Checksheet for Bulletin Change Proposals and the New Initiatives Flowchart below.

Resources for Developing New Programs

New Initiatives Flowchart


For help with dual degrees, substantive changes, additional curriculum tracks, please contact the Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness.